
Vision Elements and Goals

Vision Elements and Goals

With a forward-looking approach towards the city's future, encompassing growth, land development, and quality of life, Rogers has established seven vision elements. These encompass preservation and stewardship, mobility and accessibility, economy and affordability, safety and wellbeing, community and culture, and the city's regional role. Each element is accompanied by specific goals, reflecting the city's plan for bringing our shared vision to life.


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Development &






Safety &

Community &

Rogers in
the Region


Preservation & Stewardship

Rogers proudly maintains and enhances features of our community that reflect our unique identity and shared values. 


  • Recognize and preserve Rogers' authentic character, aesthetics, and history. 
  • Manage transitions between higher-intensity development and lower-intensity development to protect the quality of life for all residents.
  • Enhance community aesthetics through proactive maintenance, redevelopment, and beautification projects.
  • Encourage reinvestment, renovation, and revitalization of existing commercial centers, corridors, and mixed use areas.  
  • Plan for the timely and cost-effective maintenance of public infrastructure.
  • Encourage development that respects the natural environment and climate.
  • Preserve and enhance the local watershed--including Beaver Lake, creeks, wetlands and surrounding areas--to reduce flooding, protect air and water quality, and enhance community aesthetics.
  • Increase the use of native plants and trees in landscaping to add to the natural appearance of the community and reduce maintenance costs.
  • Increase public awareness and involvement in preservation and stewardship initiatives.


Development & Growth

Rogers pursues smart growth to create a distinctive sense of place within our growing community. 


  • Plan for an increasingly diverse population of varying ages, abilities, cultural backgrounds, incomes and family sizes.
  • Create places of lasting value that evolve with the community.
  • Establish a rational process of successional growth, allowing the city to adapt to changes in population over time. 
  • Remain responsive and adaptable to changes in the real-estate market. 
  • Develop a technologically modern city that is innovative, well-planned and utilizes technology to achieve its goals. 
  • Balance investment and programming between emerging and established areas of the city. 
  • Encourage projects that make efficient use of existing infrastructure. 
  • Construct and maintain infrastructure that is efficient, modern, and appropriate for the surrounding development context. 


Mobility & Accessibility

Rogers provides an efficient, well-connected multimodal transportation system that enhances the lives of our entire community. 


  • Build a reliable transportation system that provides access in all conditions. 
  • Advance accessibility for all ages and abilities through safe and orderly, multimodal connections. 
  • Encourage more trips by walking, rolling, biking and transit. 
  • Ensure that the primary mode on corridors is compatible with the surrounding development patterns and intensities. 
  • Support regional connectivity for drivers, transit users, and cyclists.
  • Enhance driver experience through traffic dispersal and improved safety measures. 
  • Enhance user experience, especially for non-drivers, through urban design.


Economy & Affordability

Rogers bolsters a robust economy and a skilled workforce.


  • Ensure that public investments, projects, programs and initiatives maintain financial solvency long-term.  
  • Pursue grants and partnerships to support programming and development. 
  • Advance attractive housing and transportation options that are financially attainable for all residents. 
  • Ensure fair and convenient access to essential goods, services, and community resources for all residents. 
  • Attract, educate, train and retain a workforce that is well-suited to an evolving job market. 
  • Maintain and advance Rogers' business-friendly reputation through strategic partnerships and initiatives. 
  • Attract and encourage innovative businesses, especially small locally-owned businesses, to serve the community's diverse population. 
  • Support partnerships that improve affordability in the region.
  • Support the development of Rogers Executive Airport as an economic resource for Rogers. 


Safety & Wellbeing

Rogers prioritizes the safety and health of all community members. 


  • Foster an atmosphere of trust through transparency and community involvement. 
  • Train and retain excellent public safety officials to increase feelings of safety and wellbeing for all residents. 
  • Enhance safety in the public realm through excellent urban design. 
  • Prioritize safety and access for non-drivers throughout the city. 
  • Embrace a multidisciplinary approach to hazard mitigation and emergency response. 
  • Create and enhance opportunities for healthy living for all residents. 
  • Ensure convenient and affordable access to nutritious foods for all residents. 
  • Increase feelings of inclusion through positive public engagement. 
  • Uphold Rogers' reputation as a friendly community that values all members, respects and embraces differences, and treats all with dignity. 


Community & Culture

Rogers engages all members of our community, welcoming their creativity and contributions. 


  • Reflect the diversity of our community in cultural and recreational opportunities.  
  • Engage community members of all ages, genders, cultures, and incomes equitably. 
  • Provide and maintain public spaces for community gathering, communal working, play, education and instruction. 
  • Pursue design excellence with all parks, schools, civic buildings and other public spaces. 
  • Showcase civic pride through festivals, fairs, events, and beautification projects.
  • Support access to world-class healthcare and education opportunities as well as the development of health, education, and childcare professionals
  • Actively support opportunities for fun. 
  • Ensure equitable access to well-maintained, natural outdoor spaces for all residents. 
  • Ensure opportunities to create community through arts, culture, recreation and civic participation for all phases of life.  


Rogers in the Region

Rogers recognizes and embraces its unique position in Northwest Arkansas and the broader region.  


  • Contribute toward Northwest Arkansas' polycentric development pattern through strong local placemaking, connectivity, and economic development. 
  • Identify areas of opportunity wherein Rogers can serve as a leader for Northwest Arkansas.
  • Promote and uplift our unique offerings including housing, arts, dining, entertainment, parks, active recreation, and education.  
  • Acknowledging Rogers' pivotal position in the Beaver and Illinois River watersheds, manage stormwater and protect water quality to reduce adverse impact on communities downstream. 
  • Lead in problem-solving for issues impacting the entire region. 
  • Be proactive in planning for, creating and maintaining regional assets and amenities as the region grows.
  • Acknowledge and respect the unique identity of other communities in the region.